Permission to be rebellious

That sounds kind of funny right — permission to be rebellious. Rebellion is about going against the authority, against the tradition, and against what is prescribed as normal and right and “how it should be.” So why would I need permission to be rebellious? The funny thing about rebellion is that it can show up in all sorts of ways. Sometimes it’s a total act of rebellion to quite your job and dare to dream that you can actually do the thing you’ve always wanted to do. Or perhaps rebellion is creating in a space that needs to be shaken up a bit. Maybe you are ready to flip something on it’s head and create anew. I love that shit! I love rebellious people and I love rebellious ideas.

So, what is this whole permission thing about? Permission is a word that comes up a lot for me in coaching. As a coach, I consider myself a catalyst. YOU are the one that holds all of the power. I often find that people who are just on that edge of rebellion, ready to speak their idea out loud and actually do something about it….those are the people that don’t really need a whole lot in terms of a catalyst other than a little nudge of permission. “Well why the hell not?!” “What would you do if there were no rules?” These are things you will hear me say in my coaching work. Because the world needs more rebels with big ideas ready to shake some shit up. And I am here to tell you to go for it. Permission granted.


Follow your delusion


Everything is learning and playing