A goal ain’t good enough

We spend a lot of time in life talking about what we want, and maybe we even set clear goals to articulate the exact result we are after. If we get really wild, we may even get clear on how we will measure achievement of these results. And a goal is the exact perfect place to start. But a clear goal will not get you want you want in life. It will not take that dream idea from imagination to reality. It will not get you the results you are after.

I have found that people know they want something, and either 1 - don’t take the time to clarify the want into a goal and/or 2 - they don’t consider how to make the goal a reality. And then they wonder why they don’t have what they want? They are stuck in idea mode and need to go from idea to actionable plan that is getting them into forward motion.

Take your goal from vague “out there” idea to reality by asking a few questions…and then a plan starts to take shape…

  • Working backwards from my goal, what will be the major milestones I will need to reach along the way?

  • What challenges will I most likely face?

  • What does wild success look like in reaching this goal?

  • What is the easiest next step?

  • What do I need to build or set up in order to achieve this goal? (What needs to be created to start this work?)

  • Who do I need to help me achieve this goal? What resources (people, tools, other) to achieve this?

“It is important that you get clear for yourself that your only access to impacting life is action. The world does not care what you intend, how committed you are, how you feel or what you think, and certainly it has no interest in what you want and don't want.” [Werner Erhard]


A life fueled by possibility


Camp Counselor