Where we lay under the stars by the lake

I often use the label “planner” for myself and while it’s true, I do love a good plan, I think most plans are best created once you’ve given yourself a little time to dream. I had a manager once who would always ask me, “What does wild success look like?” and now I use that question often. Before we figure out the how let’s figure out the what. What are you after? What is the dream? What does wild success look like? People go too tactical and too practical too fast. They’re ready to start writing down to-do’s and building action plans before they’ve even grounded themselves in where they are going. This is where most plans go wrong, in my opinion, because there is no clear direction to head in. Take some time to dream and envision a few possible future scenarios. Start to refine the vision until a clear future state emerges. And then build your plan (more on that later).

When I work with clients, I am very intentional to have protected dreaming time. I lay my planner and builder aside and lean into the “what if” and “wild success” questions. The rules for this time are simple:

Everything is learning and playing…

Everything is easy and fun...

We don’t have to figure it out just yet. We can imagine what it could be and go into those hidden pockets of what you really want for your life.

This is where we lay under the stars, by the lake, and dream of what life could look like…


Idea Camp is NOT for you if…


I’ll tell you what IS possible