I’ll tell you what IS possible

I was scared to say what I really wanted. I was scared to share what the dream actually was. I mean what if they judge it? Or what if they think it’s silly?

You see, I think we tie our dreams up in limits before we even speak them out loud. I think we do this because we are afraid of what people will say. We know that the world can be a harsh reality and our dreams are sensitive and delicate and we want to protect them. So, maybe we keep them all to ourselves or maybe we downplay how big they really are.

”If you had a magic wand…” is the start of one of my favorite sentences, because it gives people some freedom to share their dream, even if just a glimmer of it. I love creating possibility with people. I am the person who will tell you what IS possible before I tell you the dream is too big or not possible or unreachable.

I think this matters because if we start big, then we can work our way backwards to present day and get to work on our dreams. If we start from “impossible” we are trying to figure our way out of a small hole with all sorts of limitations. But if we start from what is possible, we tap into our creativity. What if our imagining was really just our minds way of making plans?


Where we lay under the stars by the lake


A life fueled by possibility